B.A.S.S. – Balance. agility. strength. stretching


This term we highlight all the ways your brain can be used to boost the well-being of your mind and body. From calming your breathing and easing pain, to lifting your mood and releasing muscle tension, we tap into the amazing ability of your brain to keep your physical body at its best.

Week 1 - Your Brain and Breathing

The breath is a wonderful tool that can give us energy when we feel flat, calm us when we feel tense and centre us when we are scattered.

Join Anna-Louise as she shows you 4 delightfully simple exercises that will teach you to harness the power of your breath.

Background to the B.A.S.S

The B.A.S.S. started just as we headed into our first lockdowns in 2020. It is hard to believe so much has changed in our world since then.

In this clip, Anna-Louise gives you a little more background about how good it can be for you.



Week 1 homework sheet


If you think you would like to see your Physio one on one to check in with how you are going you can click here and check in