Sarah Kelliher

BAppSc (Phty), APAM

Sarah graduated from the University of Sydney in 2001.

Her focus since then has always been on exercise and rehabilitation, working in the UK for 2 years and then at The Mater in Sydney and at The Prince of Wales. She has extensive experience teaching classes. Initially she taught Pilates Classes (including classes in a program called Fighting Fit for Cancer).

Sarah then moved into the world of back pain, working for 7 years with internationally renowned physiotherapist Sarah Key. Her level of skill was such that she organised and ran the Masterclass training courses for physiotherapists (3-4 per year) as well as the Intensive Spinal Therapy 'Back-in-a-Week' programs mainly for patients with chronic lower back pain (usually about 4-5 per year).

Since joining Physiocise, Sarah creates a wave of calm and smiles wherever she goes. Our clients love her, our physios love her and she is the absolute favourite of our admin staff! Her great bank of knowledge has been put to great use as she develops faultless class plans to challenge every single "bit" that her clients need.

Sarah does many of our initial assessments and looks after our clients in their first classes in Foundations and our focus Workshops. Her detailed follow up and personal programs for each client keep them totally up to date with the level of skill and effort they need to progress. Sarah is also part CORE Burn program - teaching us how to test ourselves in stronger exercises while keeping pelvic floors safe and happy! 

Sarah is always busy with her three children William, Sam and Eliza and all their sports and interests.

Sarah K is available for consultations at our Willoughby studio.
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