In 1995, physiotherapist, wellbeing specialist and media commentator Anna-Louise Bouvier started the first classes at the Cammeray Golf Club. The Pilates phenomenon had not begun, and Physiocise became one of the first medically supervised exercise classes in Australia.
Melissa Partington, our CEO started working with her almost immediately.
Over the last 25 years, the Physiocise team has taught over 80,000 classes at our two clinics in Sydney and are recognised throughout Australia as leaders in the field of exercise rehabilitation for chronic, recurrent pain and problems across the spectrum of patients lives.
We have also been leaders in spreading the Physiocise message to the broader community in the form of Anna-Louise’s best selling books, DVD’s, and Happy Body program, with her regular segments in the media and online, and now with the fantastic 2-minute-a-day Weekly BASS series.
Over the last 12 years, Physiocise has continued to expand its scope to support our clients across the spectrum of their lives with our Women’s health, Bones and Balance and Joints and Arthritis classes.
As you age, it is totally normal to have multiple areas in your body that may be giving you problems. This week it might be your back, neck and shoulder. A month ago, your hip, knee and ankle. You might have been having problems with your pelvic floor and been recently diagnosed with osteoporosis.
Our unique approach allows us to assess and address ALL your issues and empower you with a framework that helps you understand how they are related and what you can do to keep them in control for the long term.
This will build your confidence and decrease the amount of time you need to spend worrying about your body falling apart!
To stay at the forefront evidence based practice we agreed to an independent 12 month program evaluation study by the University of Sydney and The George's Institute. The study compared the outcomes of 118 Physiocise patients with chronic low back pain to the reported outcomes for such patients in existing literature. The results were published in 2013 in the prestigious European Spine Journal Of Pain. The results show Physiocise Classes not only decrease pain and increase the ability of people with chronic back pain to function in daily life in the short term, but that this effect improves even more over time.
Prognosis of chronic low back pain in patients presenting to a private community-based group exercise program
“In the current study a substantial improvement within the first 6 months in pain and disability is followed by a further improvement in disability over 12 months. These are a markedly good results for a population with longstanding disease.”
Eur Spine J 2013 DOI 10.1007/s00586-013-2846-x
Steffens, D.1, Maher, C.G.1, Hancock, M.2, Latimer, J.1, Satchill, R.3, Ferreira, M.1, Ferreira, P.3, Partington, M.4, Bouvier, A.L.4
1 The George Institute for Global Health, University of Sydney, Australia
2 Macquarie University, Australia
3 The University of Sydney, Australia
4 Physiocise, Australia