B.A.S.S. – Balance. agility. strength. stretching
Your Bush B.A.S.S. for Week 1 - Beautiful Breathing
We are so pleased to welcome you to our first Bush B.A.S.S.
We know that so many of you walk outdoors for exercise, so whether you are in the bush, in your local park or even in your backyard, this series is a delightful way to get your Balance, Agility, Strength and Stretching for the day.
The only issue we had, is that the cicadas this year are sooooo loud!
Background to the B.A.S.S
Our B.A.S.S. is delightfully simple, takes 2 minutes and is designed to link into a regular part of your day that is already a strong habit.
Each week you join Anna-Louise with a fresh 2-minute routine. In this video, Anna-Louise explains the background and benefits of developing a daily B.A.S.S. habit.
If you think you would like to see your Physio one on one to check in with how you are going you can click here and check in