Physiocise Fast track foundation Series

Week 4 Exercises

This week we are working on buttock and core strength. These videos will reinforce the key things you learned in class.

Perfect Lunges

Lunges are great exercises for strengthening your legs and buttocks for walking and running as well as bending and lifting.

The trouble is it is easy to cheat, which can overload your knees, feet and calves. So join Physiocise Founder Anna-Louise Bouvier, and our Physio Susie Powell, to learn the best tips for getting the most out of your lunges.

Understanding the Core

Did you know your core is like a piece of tiramisu?! It's a series of layers of muscle and to get it working again you need to activate the right layers in the right way.



Do you think you would like to see your Physio one on one to check in with how you are going?