B.A.S.S. – Balance. agility. strength. stretching

Your Office B.A.S.S. for Week 1 - Beautiful Breathing

This B.A.S.S is designed to boost your body whether you are working from home of back in the office. Each week we focus on a different area of your body, from your back to your buttocks we have it covered!

This week is all about breathing. Join Anna-Louise in her home office today as she takes you through this delightfully simple 2 min routine that you can do at your desk before your next Zoom meeting.

Background to the B.A.S.S

Our B.A.S.S. is delightfully simple, takes 2 minutes and is designed to link into a regular part of your day that is already a strong habit.

Each week you join Anna-Louise with a fresh 2-minute routine. In this video, Anna-Louise explains the background and benefits of developing a daily B.A.S.S. habit.


If you think you would like to see your Physio one on one to check in with how you are going you can click here and check in



Week 1 homework sheet