We are starting the year with a post-COVID success story, a much-loved dog needing physiocise, and new research updates in ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) rehab. Book for Term 2 and sign up for your weekly online BASS. You can even save the date to recalibrate your breathing for 2023.
Vanessa was one of the first Sydneysiders to get COVID, and 3 years on, she has come leaps and bounds. But as we know, recovery is not always simple or linear. If you are looking for a little inspiration on how to keep on trying when things don’t seem to be going your way..…..read on. It's hard not to smile as you read it.
What brought you to physiocise initially?
When I was just 16, I sneezed and 'slipped a disc", so I've had a dodgy back for years. Four children later, with the last at 42, probably also took its toll. In 2010 I ended up having emergency spinal surgery after a ruptured disc paralysed my right leg. My surgeon said to me, "I haven't fixed you, I have just taken out the broken bits!" I slowly recovered and wondered what I could do to help my future self. A friend mentioned Physiocise, and the rest is history!
How has it helped you and your body?
Physiocise works on your mind to repattern your movements and muscles (remember learning to stand again?). It helps to develop strength and awareness in your muscles so they work when they need to and turn off when they don't. For me these insights and skills were gold. My neck was always gate-crashing trying to help me get out of chairs, my shoulders always hitched up when driving or lunging and generally, all sorts of muscles would tighten to compensate for weaknesses in the muscles that needed to work harder. Physiocise has built my strength, especially in my glutes and legs. It puts my shoulder blades back on their coat hanger, I zipper up my pelvic floor whilst shining my light and regularly say hello to my back pocket muscles. Moving confidently and 'properly' is now second nature, so my golfers bend is often on display when I empty my dishwasher!
Why do you still continue to attend classes?
Physiocise's approach to educating clients to help themselves means you never stop learning new skills. It is in essence your very own tool kit to troubleshoot your aches and pains. I love a good chair twist and I never imagined I'd love hanging out in a downward dog when we first tried them in Dimity's class. Last week we did a minute wall squat to see if it helped improve our forward bending. Guess what - my fingers could reach my toes! I never knew that strength work could improve flexibility! That's why I'm still going! I'm still learning.
What can you do now that makes life easier?
The last few years have been challenging for me. I caught Covid in March 2020, and now I still deal with Long Covid on a daily basis. I can remember doing some bobbing ducks and leg taps to keep moving whilst in isolation, and then not being able to get out of bed the next few days. It has been a long journey to work out how to pace myself and keep Physiocise in my life. I no longer attend classes in person, but I love the online classes. I can mute my coughing and turn off my camera if I'm not sparkling. Even listening to classes is beneficial and educative. And then, in March 2022, I slipped in my bathroom (remember the rain... my ceiling had a leak!), and I shattered my right kneecap and tore all the tendons. Another enforced break from Physiocise - but I cannot tell you how much-accumulated knowledge I used to move around safely whilst keeping my right leg completely straight for 3 months. I remember when Dim asked us to get up out of a chair on one leg - I thought why would you ever have to do THAT!! Famous last words. And then I had to learn to bend and lift it with quads that were nonexistent. But muscle memory stood me in good stead.
This term I have dropped back from my Advanced Floppy class to a regular Floppy one as I felt the pace was a little too fast for me at the moment. Being able to return to Physiocise gives me a strategy to regain my strength, and this helps me feel confident about always being able to recover, despite the inevitable trials and tribulations of life. I have taken to throwing myself in the ocean, even through winter, and I often do my Physiocise warm-up movements to keep the blood flowing.
So I guess Physiocise is my lighthouse, always shining its light to safely guide me back to good healthy movement. And this confidence is awesome!
PS I miss the lovely people I met in my regular class I had for years before Covid. So many inspiring people - I'm looking at you Ruth - and I want to grow old with Physiocise just like you! And I remember Jeff's 'Law of Physiocise' - what goes right, must go left!! Happy days.
If you think you would like to see your Physio one on one to check in with how you are going, click the button below for a check-in appointment.
Did you know animals are not exempt from getting arthritis and back pain?
Meet the lovely Nutmeg, a 6-year-old Lakeland Terrier who one of our clients, Lucy adopted last year. After a few months, they took Nutmeg to the vet, worried about her growling every time they touched her back legs. Turns out she had “degeneration in her lumbar spine” , and they were advised Nutmeg needed to do some strength exercises.
Treatment involved exercises in helping get Nutmeg stronger to support her back. She saw a vet physio (aka- canine rehabilitation specialist) in their current home in New Zealand who showed them what exercises she needed. Lucy smiled as she thought the exercises reminded her very much of what we do at Physiocise!
“I attach some pics of Nutmeg practising 'paw', or lifting up one front leg, then the other. Every time we do 'thread the needle' or shoulder taps in class now, I think of this! We also have to work on her putting her weight on all four legs (she has a tendency to put all the weight in her shoulders - hence sometimes she looks a bit like she's wearing shoulder pads as her shoulders are very well developed!), and practising sit-to-stand etc. All sounds very familiar, doesn't it?”
“We are happy to report that after a few months now, Nutmeg no longer growls when she is touched on her back legs.”
“I am also pleased to report that in our last vet physio appointment, there has been a noticeable improvement in Nutmeg's stance, strength, and pain and that we are hearing a lot fewer growls. In fact, I couldn't tell you when the last time was that she growled at us when we touched her back legs.”
Do you need a reminder to do your exercises after class? Or are you travelling but still want a weekly exercise reminder? The online B.A.S.S is the perfect option!
In previous terms when you signed up to class, we included the online BASS videos complimentary as part of class. This was a great way to keep you all moving throughout the strange times of COVID lockdowns.
Next term if you would like to receive the BASS video after your class, you will need to purchase the online Office B.A.S.S.
Your physio will continue to include the exercises in class. You will also continue to get your information email before class with the weekly focus. However, if you benefit from the after-class video reminder, simply sign up for the online B.A.S.S videos here.
Making regular ‘body bank’ deposits can do wonders. You feel stronger, pain doesn’t come back as often, and you recover more quickly if you have an injury.
Four new exercises delivered straight to your inbox each Sunday. If you want some variety of a different B.A.S.S. - choose another one on offer too!
We are excited to host Dr Tom Cross later this month at our Willoughby studios. He will be presenting the Cross Bracing Protocol - a non-surgical rehab option for ACL injuries and return to sport.
For many decades the teaching and belief were that an injured ACL does not heal. Recent publications have challenged this long-held medical belief discussing numerous examples of spontaneous healing of the acutely ruptured ACL. The “ACL-heal research project” was founded by Dr. Mervyn Cross and Dr. Tom Cross. From 2014 to the present day, 295 patients have navigated or are still navigating this novel bracing protocol devised to treat non-surgically acute ACL injury.
This event is open to all medical and allied health professionals interested in this area. For more information and to RSVP, please see the event page.
Join Mim Beim to recalibrate your breathing patterns and help restore optimum health and performance for your body and mind.
Assessing and re-training the way you breathe has been proven to assist with a range of health issues. Let Mim Beim take you through a breathing journey with true wellness outcomes. Mark your calendar now for June or September courses!
One-day in-person course held at our Physiocise Willoughby studio.
June 18 9.30-4.30pm
September 10 9.30-4.30pm
For more information, check out Mim Beim’s website.
APRIL Holiday Classes
Stay active and strong in the Easter holidays. We have some great holiday classes on offer. Spaces are limited so be sure to book in now. You can attend in person or online.