We have some awesome winter warmers. Anna-Louise is on the ABC radio talking about habit change and what impact the weather has on our body aches & pains. We are also excited to present the all-new Travel B.A.S.S. - just for you, anytime, anywhere! Read on for more...


Break a habit!

Follow these top tips


Going on a trip? Take your B.A.S.S. with you 

Is pain worse in winter?

What does the research say

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What are our biggest pitfalls when it comes to changing a habit? Research suggests when we try to change too much at once, we are likely to give up or fail. Listen below to a segment Anna-Louise recently did on the ABC Radio Sydney Drive with Richard Glover, giving some great tips and tricks to help make or break a habit.

Listen here

The top tips to have the best chance to change a habit are: 

  • Pick one thing: make it small and simple, so you are likely to achieve it. Or break the habit into parts. Do one at a time.  

  • Trigger or Cue: encourage your environment to entice you to adopt the habit or link it to something you already do regularly in your daily routine.   

  • The Reward: this is where your brain receives a reward for taking the desired activity.  

  • Repeat, Repeat, Repeat: you need to keep walking the path of the habit in your brain in order to lay down the new neural pathways. Just like in this picture.  

Book a class today to maintain your exercise habit throughout winter. 

Going on a trip? Bring your B.A.S.S. with you

In Term 3, we are introducing the all-new Travel B.A.S.S. These quick and effective exercises keep your body strong and flexible no matter where you are.

The Travel B.A.S.S. consists of a series of 4 new exercises delivered to your inbox every Sunday. It serves as a great reminder to keep moving and encourages you to stay consistent with your exercise routine, whether you are at home or travelling.

If you have already signed up for a class in Term 3, you can also sign up for the Travel B.A.S.S. for free. Contact our CCS Team for more information.

Can’t make it to classes in Term 3 but still want to receive a weekly online B.A.S.S. video?

Watch the trailer here


Does the cold weather make your aches and pains worse? Many people tell us that their pain is worse in winter or can tell you a cold change is coming from the pain or stiffness in their arthritic joints. But what does the research say? 

Listen to this great segment of Anna-Louise on the ABC Radio Sydney Drive show with Richard Glover. She discusses tips on how to stay warm during winter and the impact weather has on aches and pains! 

If you are interested in reading more – here is what the research says...  

University of Manchester Collected data from over 13,000 people over a year. Participants were asked to record pain and other symptoms every day on a phone app, which then linked their reports with their local weather based on the phone’s GPS. They analysed over 5 million data points.  

Participants had chronic pain - arthritis/ fibromyalgia/ migraine etc 

When asked if they thought their pain was related to weather 75% said YES.  

The results showed that pain was unrelated to the temperature or rain. And while you would think that mood was the driver on “bad weather” days the researchers did not find a correlation.  

What they did find was that high humidity, decrease barometric pressure and strong winds did affect pain with an average 20% increase on those days.  

Part of the challenge with a study like this is that there are so many factors that can affect pain it’s not just a matter of linking pain levels to a mark on a thermometer. You also have to take into account humidity, barometric pressure, and weather patterns that change hour by hour as well as whether the person is indoors or outdoors, whether other health conditions may also be causing pain, and how long it might take for the “cold” effect to kick in, she explains. However, their early data analysis does seem to show some correlation between poor weather conditions and increased pain,  

 What could be a reason for this? 

  • Barometric pressure - also known as atmospheric pressure, is basically the weight of air and it changes with the weather. In warm weather, barometric pressure is high, while cold weather causes barometric pressure to drop. When barometric pressure drops, the tissues in your joint expand slightly, which can result in joint pain. 

  • Thickening of synovial fluid in your joints…they become less viscous in cold weather….…a bit like a cold gel pack 

  • More sensitive nerves – nerves around old scarring and injuries may become more sensitive to cold 

  • Moving less – when we are cold, we are less likely to get out and about…arthritic joints love movement and get stiffer and sorer without it 

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Telstra is gradually phasing out its Bigpond email service.

While nothing official is out there yet, many practices, including ours, are finding increasing delays and inconsistencies in the delivery of emails to Bigpond accounts.

If you are getting your class links etc, sent to a Bigpond account, you may want to consider changing to an alternative email address (such as Gmail.com, iCloud.com etc.) to ensure smooth delivery of these links and other information.

JULY Holiday Classes

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