When COVID hit, we weren’t exactly sure how, or even if, we could cope.

6 months on we have developed our hugely popular online classes, created a fabulous weekly virtual home program called the BASS, enabled telehealth consultations, built an interactive website, launched online booking and payment, and now have clients logging in from Perth to London! And wait there’s more….



Our 2 min virtual home program has been a raging success


Be inspired by Kate Collier


It’s finally here….book with a click!



It’s the little things that can make a difference


Keep your favourite physio front and centre


Committed to keeping you safe



As an extension of our classes, we wanted to give you a simple way to work on the things you learnt in class. We had tried so many options over the years, but the B.A.S.S. seems to have really nailed it!

We also wanted to see if you loved it as much as we do, so we created a simple survey.

We have been overwhelmed with nearly 200 responses and the results and your comments have made our team’s hearts glow! As one our clients said…it’s like the song …I’m addicted to B.A.S.S.

how did you feel about it?

83% of you LOVED IT.

14% of you said it was a GREAT IDEA, but you didn’t do it!

Only 3% of you said it wasn’t for you.


What is more amazing is how often you are doing it

44% doing it a few times a week

30% doing it daily

3% doing it more than once a day!

And which section did you find the most challenging

It was Balance! So stand by for lots of balance exercises in classes next Term!

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“I LOVE LOVE LOVE the BASS. I walk in the morning then come home and do it. I also try to do it randomly through the day. I appreciate that the BASS is kind of over and above the classes in terms of service but I really find it useful. It also makes me do a round of squats & press ups at the end. Thanks!”

“A great innovation. Easy to do. I tend to forget the exercises suggested at the end of a class to do at home and the BASS video means I can easily check and also see how the exercise should be done. It's one of the things that really impresses me is that you are always trying to come up with new ideas and are always reviewing the latest relevant research and sharing what's applicable. Thank you very much for all your efforts.“

“It's a great addition to my weekly class. It's good to have it in front of me to do because I often forget the class routine! “

Stay tuned for next term as we have the Bathroom B.A.S.S!

Missed it? Here is a taster - one of our favourites.


Our long-standing client, Kate Collier, shares a passion for hiking with her husband. This year they had a few months booked in Europe for 3 self-guided hikes (Chanel Islands, Amalfi Coast & Camino). Then as COVID hit, they joked that ‘the training will become our event’. Thanks to lockdown, they discovered some beautiful hikes around Sydney Harbour, and along with a new diet, Kate is now 20kg lighter and feeling the best she ever felt!



“Since starting Physiocise I can walk without a lean, my hips no longer ache, I sleep much better and I can lie on my side without pain. Plus….I have hiked all over the world.

Kate came to us in 2006. She had seen numerous other health professionals, but her pain persisted. She was waking at night with pain and walking and hiking again, seemed an unreachable dream. 

A friend suggested she should give Physiocise a go. She lived at the foot of the Blue Mountains at the time, so she thought she would start with an assessment and see what we came up with. When she arrived at Willoughby for her first appointment – she looked up at the two flights of stairs at the entrance and was filled with dread “They didn’t tell me there were stairs,” she thought. Gulp.

Kate recalls her first assessment.

“I could tell from the questions my physio was asking that she knew what was wrong with me and understood how much pain I was in. I burst into tears. For years no one had explained all the reasons for my pain, and how I could fix it. I left understanding it was about learning to use the right muscles and improving my core.” 

“For 2 years I travelled fortnightly for consultations from out west, and continued with my own exercises at home. Then in 2009 John took a new job in Sydney, and we moved to Glebe - I’m proud to say I had my Physiocise class booked before the removalist.”

“I’ve never looked back since I started… if I get a little ache, I can fix it myself. Every week in class I am reminded of something I forgot, or something new. The girls are constantly evolving the program which is one of the things I love about Physiocise. I love learning the science of ‘the why’ behind the things we do in class.”

I am 68 and I want to feel good as I get older. I feel motivated and energised after every class. It’s great for my body. It’s challenging without being exhausting. 


“There’s a few reasons I love them. Firstly, the convenienceI can do a class when I’m away for a long weekend say. But doing classes at home has also helped get me into a routine of doing the exercises or stretches more often – once I had used a place to do the table stretch, I now remember to do it more often in that same place. My physio also knows my weaknesses - ‘Kate check your hips are level’. Even online - I can’t get away with anything!”.

Thank you, Kate for sharing your story. We are all off to discover new parts of beautiful Sydney’s hiking trails. 




It’s here! Our new website now has the option for you to BOOK YOUR CLASS ONLINE for Term 4. This is only available if you book your EXISTING class - the time you attend in Term 3. If you want to change class, or are new to class – you will need to book through reception to ensure there is a space for you. 

Simply click BOOK & PAY button to pay for your existing class. We will open online payment for week 8, 9 & 10 to allow you to book. We will then close it at the end of week 10 (Sept 25) to prevent classes overbooking.   

Just to note, on your first time booking through the website you will be asked to create an account in our partner booking system (MindBody). Because you are an existing patient, we have already created an account for you with the email address you have given us.

You just need to select “NEED NEW PASSWOD” and it will let you create your own password.



Even if you come to classes, in person in our studios, it is important that you have the capability to join online just in case you wake up with a sore throat, need to self isolate for any reason or if we go into lockdown again.

One way to make joining a class as simple and smooth as possible, is to update your software regularly. Microsoft is constantly updating its platform which can affect logging on, so keep checking for updates.

Not sure how? Give a call and we can talk you through it. Our Client Care & Support team are now Microsoft TEAMS pros!


We are all getting the hang of online classes now. To get a front row view of your physio– PIN their video image. This will make them the biggest video on the screen, and everyone else will be small tiles below.

Here are some how to PIN ideas to help you if you haven’t got the hang of it yet.

Desktop: Right Click the three dots next to studio name (like pictured) – select PIN

Ipad or Iphone: Hold your finger or double tap the video of your physio in class – select PIN.

Having issues? Our CCS team are amazing at helping you troubleshoot IT issues. Give them a call.



COVID-19 Response Update.jpg

COVID-19 has been a huge challenge. As a small business - our community is our life line, so THANK YOU for your ongoing support. In the midst of what some days have felt like a brain full of COVID-fog, your smiling faces in class and online really make our day.

We are committed to keeping our staff and our clients safe. So here is a little reminder of changes we have made when entering our practice.

  • Auto hand sanitizer machine at the door. Please help yourself to our finest alcohol on entry.

  • Masks for all consultations (we have been doing this since March, but as of July Government Regulations require all health professionals and patients to be in a mask when closer than 1.5m).

  • Stay home if you have been in a hotspot, wake up with a scratchy throat or have a family member in self isolation.

  • No matter how small your cough – please always cover your mouth with your elbow or a tissue if you need to cough or sneeze and hand sanitise afterwards.

  • Bring your own theraband and clean towel to use in class.

  • Bring your own water bottle if you would like water. We no longer have cups in the water machines for hygiene reasons.

  • Change rooms at both practices are CLOSED. We understand this is a big inconvenience for many, and we apologise. We need to keep everyone safe, and cannot have people in the practice for longer than their class time, or touching things outside the studio.



With all the stress of the last few months, you might find that your breathing may not be as smooth and effortless as it can be. How about doing our Breathing workshop – and in 1 hour you can learn how to harness this simple tool to control your body & calm your mind.

Be quick as Workshops book out.

Holiday Class, Strong Bones & Core Burn are all on offer too.