B.A.S.S. – Balance. agility. strength. stretching



The term the Physiocise team are delighted to introduce your Bush B.A.S.S.

In this video, Physiocise founder Anna-Louise Bouvier explains the background and benefits of developing your 2 min daily B.A.S.S. habit, then join her in her outdoors for your Bush B.A.S.S.!

Week 1 - Beautiful Breathing

Week 2 - Fabulous Feet

Week 3 - Fantastic Floors

Week 4 - Wonderful Walls

Week 5 - Neat Knees

Week 6 - Glorious Glutes

Week 7 - Brilliant Bones

Week 8 - Super Shoulders

Week 9 - Nifty Necks

Week 10 - Slip Saver


Love this series but can’t make it to class next term?

SIGN UP FOR YOUR WEEKLY B.A.S.S. and we will send you a new one each week of term.