B.A.S.S. – Balance. agility. strength. stretching

Welcome to your TRAVEL B.A.S.S. Boxset

We hope you enjoyed the classes this term. We have put together all the videos into one easy box-set so you can reference them any time.

We look forward to seeing you in classes next term.

Week 1 - Car Trips & Breathing

Week 2 - Standing & Pelvic Floor

Week 3 - Sleeping

Week 4 - Walking

Week 5 - Sit to Stand

Week 6 - Glutes

Week 7 - Airport & Plane TrAVEL

Week 8 - Carrying bags

Week 9 - Lift & Load

Week 10 - Lift & Reach

Bonus Week - Plane TRip Tips

Anna-Louise gives you some of her favourite tips for taking the load off your body when you fly

Love this series but can’t make it to class next term?

SIGN UP FOR YOUR WEEKLY B.A.S.S. and we will send you a new one each week of term.